Monday, August 10, 2015

Leak turns Colorado River yellow

Millions of gallons of waste water turns Colorado River yellow:

"The pollution includes lead, cadmium and arsenic. More than 1,000 wells may have been affected by yellow water stretching over 100 miles (160km) into neighbouring New Mexico."

Monarch butterfly

We saw lots of Monarch butterflies at Bobolink Meadow today:
They seem to like the wild bergamot in the meadow:

Photo: Marge Ishmael

Sunday, August 9, 2015

French banks say no to coal plant

Three French banks say they will not invest in the Rampal power plant in Bangladesh. As the plant struggles for funding, a report says it is non-compliant with minimum environmental and social standards.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Africa's wildlife poaching crisis

Paula Kahumbu is an influential conservationist and here is her bio:

Sunset and storm clouds

What a difference a day makes!  Top photo showing Saturday night's sunset, followed by storm clouds on Sunday afternoon.  These cloud formations are a bit strange!  They are a sign of violent storms and are called mammatus clouds: