My intrepid friend, Jane, took this amazing photo of a Bohemian Waxwing when we took a walk at Jackson Park's Wooded Island this afternoon. It was pretty cold at 19 F. (minus 7 centigrade) but warmer than last week!
It is around Zero Fahrenheit in Chicago today but with a much lower windchill. The recent arctic blasts have caused the ice cover on the Great Lakes to increase rapidly. As of Tuesday, February 17, the amount of ice on the Great Lakes was more than the same date last year. See more at link below:
I for one was very excited over my porridge this morning, when I read that Penguin Random House will soon publish a sequel to one of my favorite books: To Kill a Mockingbird: Harper Lee's Purlitzer prize-winning book of honor and injustice in the deep south -- and the heroism of one man in the face of blind, violent hatred and racism. This book had a huge impact on me when we read it as teenagers at high school. The sequel, Go Set a Watchman, is about the adventures of a grown-up Scout as she returns to Maycomb, Alabama to visit Atticus. Lee said in a statement delivered through her publisher that the book's long lost manuscript was discovered by her lawyer "in a secure location where it had been affixed to an original typescript of To Kill a Mockingbird."